System maintenance, Please Reactivate your eBay Online Access
Released on = November 30, 2005, 11:51 am
Press Release Author = Paul Ramsey For E-Office Professionals
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Novice internet users are easy targets of email hoaxes
Press Release Body = \"Colonial Bank - Security and Privacy Notification !,\" \"System maintenance, Please Reactivate your eBay Online Access," "Paypal Service Update." These are just three emails that were sent to an email account on the domain. Our first clue that these emails were hoaxes and scams is that we don't have accounts with either of these companies. Even if we did, every E-Office Professionals employee has received training on email security, and thus would have taken precautions to ensure that they did not expose the company to the risk of receiving more spam.
Everyone hates receiving spam, especially for a newly opened account. But, once you receive spam, all is not lost. You can combat spam even after receiving it. The key to doing so is not confirming that 1) your email address is valid and 2) that the account is still active, because someone checks the inbox. These two tips will help you reduce receiving more spam.
1. DO NOT click on links within suspicious email. We understand that sometimes it is hard to differentiate spam from an automated response or newsletter from a company that you have done business with. In the event that you open an email of this type and the email contains links, don't click on the links. In general we are referring to links that contain tracking ids. For example, a link resembling
Web Site =
Contact Details = E-Office Professionals 1-888-347-9298
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